Itemised Payslip

MOM Itemized Payslip Requirements

From 1 April 2016, all employers must issue itemised payslip to employees covered under the Employment Act.

eHR Payroll is a simple, smart and robust web-based payroll solution uniquely designed for Singapore SME or new business owners who have little or no experience in handling payroll for their employees. Itemised payslips can be automatically generated and delivered to your employees at a click. Your employees can view their itemised payslips securely via smart phone and web browser anytime anywhere.

Pay slips must include the items below, unless an item is not applicable.

Number Item description
1 Full name of employer.
2 Full name of employee.
3 Date of payment (or dates, if the pay slips consolidates multiple payments).
4 Basic salary : For hourly, daily or piece-rated workers, indicate all of the following:

  • Basic rate of pay, e.g. $X per hour.
  • Total number of hours or days worked or pieces produced.
5 Start and end date of salary period.
6 Allowances paid for salary period, such as:

  • All fixed allowances, e.g. transport.
  • All ad-hoc allowances, e.g. one-off uniform allowance.
7 Any other additional payment for each salary period, such as:

  • Bonuses
  • Rest day pay
  • Public holiday pay
8 Deductions made for each salary period, such as:

  • All fixed deductions (e.g. employee’s CPF contribution).
  • All ad-hoc deductions (e.g. deductions for no-pay leave, absence from work).
9 Overtime hours worked.
10 Overtime pay.
11 Start and end date of overtime payment period (if different from item 5 start and end date of salary period).
12 Net salary paid in total.

Our Payroll Software able to generate the MOM required Payslip.

Employee login to employee portal to view payslip.

HR also can email the payslip to employee.

Each email payslip by default is password protected.



Please refer to the MOM Website Link to understand more about on the Itemized Payslip requirements


On newspaper    Straits Times – Parliament Employment Act Aamended to make payslips and employment terms more

Straits Times – Changes to regulate payslips and employment terms

Channel News Asia – Singapore Itemised Payslips